How to get the most out of your ballfields.
With the off-season and the downtime that comes with it, it can be a perfect time to assess how your operations are working. After years of working with a local little league in Madison, Wisconsin, long-time Beacon contributor Paul Zwaska offers some important tips that can help you effectively run your facility.
1. Be a leader! Every organization needs a visionary who can dream up and plan the future of a facility. However, to be successful, you will need someone who can lead and help the organization stay the course on its planned initiatives. Someone who can keep an eye on the prize!
2. Organize the organization. It should be run like a business, especially since you have revenue coming in and expenses going out. The organization should have a budget that is closely monitored and controlled in order to help with planning. Without a budget, it becomes much harder to plan for facility improvements and upgrades.