The Field Opening Checklist

There are dozens of critical tasks for a groundskeeper to complete to open a field. We’ve boiled down the list to the most important things you should remember to do so you can efficiently reopen your ballfield.



▢   Charge and reinstall all batteries for motorized equipment

▢   Inspect, repair or replace netting and padding on all screens

▢   Inspect last year’s bases and dispose of or replace any heavily worn bases

▢   Clean up any remaining fall/winter debris from along ballfield fence lines

▢   Replace any badly faded, worn or torn outfield advertisement banners

▢   Install backstop padding, dugout bat racks and helmet racks

▢   Hoist backstop nets, batting cage nets and soft-toss nets

▢   Turn on water to facility – Test irrigation system

▢   Renovate all mounds (tables, front slopes and new topdressing application

▢   Renovate all home plate areas (releveling batter’s and catcher’s boxes with clay and leveling home plate circle) and redress with new topdressing

▢   Relevel 1st and 3rd baselines and topdress

▢   Relevel infields and topdress as needed

▢   Relevel warning track and walkups (if track material is available)

▢   Apply crabgrass preventer

▢   Make sure mower is set to only cut one-third length of grass blades

▢   Check any field lighting and scoreboard operation and replace bulbs

▢   Hoist Flags

▢   Distribute picnic tables, garbage and recycling receptacles

▢   Update missing or faded signage, add new signs as needed

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We’ve been in your shoes. So it’s about giving you what you need, when you need it. To live up to “the ultimate ballfield resource” it goes beyond just delivering superior products. It’s also about giving you on-demand resources that will help make your job easier. That’s why we created and Whatever your ballfield needs, think Beacon.